Artmobile Returns to Wheatland! August 21 and 22

Artmobile Returns to Wheatland! August 21 and 22

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How lucky are we?! The Ann Simpson Artmobile will be returning to Wheatland at the Senior Outreach Center on August 21 and 22!

An outreach program of the University of Wyoming, the Ann Simpson Artmobile is funded by the Ann Simpson Artmobile Endowment Fund and other private donations.

The Artmobile travels across the 97,914 square miles of Wyoming, sharing museum-quality artwork with outlying communities that do not have direct access to art museums.

The 2015 Artmobile exhibition is titled Surrealism: Visions of the Mind.

You’ll be able to both view artwork, and participate in some fun activities.

The display will be up all day at the Senior Outreach Center on Friday, August 21, for viewing 10 am – 6 pm.

Friday evening at 7 pm we’ll do an activity called “Making Fun of Observation: Clouds.”
On Saturday Aug. 22 will be two activities – “Inner World” 8am – 10am.

And also on Saturday, from 10 am-noon –  “Warped: Image of a Mind.”

Plan on joining us for one or all three activities!

Cost – Free!

Ann Simpson Artmobile
Ann Simpson Artmobile

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